It's been several
years now since I first noted (ISMACS News, issue no. 49) that
early versions of this desirable miniature featured a walking
foot rather than the more conventional four-motion feed. A similar
feature is well known on early Müller no.1 machines - see
patent elsewhere on site. To date I still haven't come across
any more examples of this earlier model.
Photo top right shows the machine itself, the illustration below
dates from the turn of the 19th century and clearly shows the
walking foot feed.
Without doubt this is a scarce machine, if further examples come
to my attention, this page will be updated.
photos GD
G.D. May 99.
Update - a further example was recently sold in
the UK and a fellow collector from Europe reports that there is
now one in his collection - so they are about! Get searching....
April 2000.