
Davenports, small and compact by nature, rose to their height of popularity during Victorian times. Their adaptation into discrete housings for sewing machines proved inevitable.
The term 'davenport' seems to have been coined as early as the 1790's, following orders at "Gillows" for writing desks by a Captain Davenport.
Early Regency period models are quite severe in style. It was during the Victorian era that generous, highly carved examples blossomed.
Many 19th century sewing machine manufacturers specially adapted these desks for their domestic machines.
Today, sewing machine collectors value good quality specimens very highly.

Top and middle photos -
This splendid davenport, finished in figured walnut, houses a Bradbury Belgravia machine - circa 1860/70.

Bottom photo -
This early 1860's mahogany example was specifically patented for housing sewing machines. (patent details elsewhere on site).

Nov. 1999.

Bradbury davenport open.
Bradbury davenport.
Patented davenport

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